Sarah & Mike have 3 boys aged 6 and under. For most parents (and many photographers!), this would be a handful - thankfully these three guys are pretty chill and love to laugh :) We recently met up with them at High Park for a morning of log-climbing, bird-spotting, and giggles.. we even made a trip to the zoo! Here are some of my favourite images from the session..
I love how baby Henry goes from super-serious to toothy grin in a split second :) Also - how great are dad & Cameron's matching faux hawks??
Just because he's the smallest, doesn't mean Henry's not running the show sometimes - his older brothers could barely stop him from running away! And Oliver (one of the most enthusiastic smilers I've ever met) thought that was pretty hilarious :)
We walked along the pond and over to the zoo (those kids are great walkers!).. Oliver loved holding onto a baby chick, and - after a bit of encouragement from mom - Cameron had loads of fun feeding the llamas. All this excitement was too much for baby Henry, who decided it was time for nap :)
Sarah & Mike: it's always such a pleasure spending time with you two and your sweet and hilarious boys! We had so much fun, and can't wait to show you the rest of the photos :)
Jessica + Norman
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