One of my favourite things about new parents is the glowy look of sheer joy they have whenever gazing upon their newborn babies..
I love his look here - like he's trying to figure out exactly what these strangers are doing in his house!
{if you think those toes look tiny above, wait until you see them next to Daddy's thumb below!}
Lucky Max has an awesome monkey-themed nursery :) His Auntie Kim did the monkey painting that hangs above his crib, and Mommy's good friend Sarah crocheted the monkey mobile - so cute!
Lara & Frank - congratulations on your tiny new addition to your family! I can't wait to see what faces he'll make for us next :)xo
Jessica + Norman
{if you're expecting a tiny new addition to your own family and would love gorgeous maternity and newborn portraits of your own - email us now for more information!}